More on Graphene

Yesterday I submitted a post about Graphene Oxide in the Jab.

I’m not a scientist or a doctor but I’m concerned for the safety of the human population so when I hear or see anything that will cause harm to us, I like to at the very least offer up the information. What you do with it is up to you.

I recently came across an article that provides a good overview of Graphene.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday they are putting Graphene Oxide in the jab so, you may be interested in this information. All the vaccines are manufactured using the same nano-technology.  I was reading another post recently from someone in Spain who noted that it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.”  These nanoparticles placed in the jab become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under zero degrees environment, they remain un-magnetic. This could be why they freeze the jab.

This article goes into great detail about Graphine as a 2D material. It also speaks to the megnetic nature of graphene. They discuss the method to prepare graphene for use in the jab.

The article discusses the result of the process above. Including the effect of temperature on the magnetic properties  of graphene. It talks about ferromagnetic graphene powders and magnetic domains.

It may be a coincidence but graphite is purchased from Merck Company an American multinational pharmaceutical company. Why would a pharmaceutical company be producing such a product?

Food for thought.

Click here to read the article.

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