What is a City State?

A few months ago, I submitted a post that mentioned The Empire of “The City”. I mentioned that the Vatican ruled the world as part of this “City State”. Along with The City of London and Washington D.C.

The video below explains in detail the corruption that has manipulated the world to control what were once free men and women. They have brainwashed the We The People to a state of sheep that follow the narrative, because they say it’s right.

Well the sheep are waking up. They are taking back that which is their God given right.

This video will give you further insight into what has happened to our country and the rest of the world.

We can still change what has happened. We can still course correct. We do that by changing our status. We need to throw off the role of citizen, municipal employee, and take back our American State National Standing.

This to Return to the Republic governed by We The People, under our Constitution.

Let’s do this.

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