20 Reasons Why Not To Get Vaccinated

  1. Vaccine makers are immune from liability.
  2. Pfizer paid out billions for bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results.
  3. Moderna has never brought a vaccine to market.
  4. Every previous coronavirus vaccine has failed.
  5. Every previous mRNA vaccine has failed.
  6. Anecdotal friends and family adverse reactions.
  7. Zero long term safety testing.
  8. Censorship of scientific debate.
  9. Censorship of Fauci funding gain-of-function.
  10. Censorship of ivermectin, hcq, vitamin d, zinc, etc.
  11. Censorship of adverse reactions and deaths.
  12. Ignoring natural immunity.
  13. 95% chance of survival if below 50.
  14. Bloated COVID-19 death numbers.
  15. The virus continues to mutate.
  16. Vaccinated still catch the virus.
  17. FDA, CDC, WHO are captured institutions.
  18. Virus and vaccine efficacy measured by faulty PCR test.
  19. Never solved lipid nanoparticle delivery problem.
  20. Japanese Pfizer data shows LNP accumulating in organs.

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The Private Federal Reserve System

I haven’t written about the Federal Reserve Banking System in a while. I’d like to provide a bit more information about how the crime syndicate took over our economy and made debt slaves of all of us.

I’m posting a short video below for you to hear a short history of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The “Fed” is not a government agency. It’s a private bank that prints its own money and lends it to the United States for which the taxpayers (yes, that’s us) pay interest. Our Constitution is written in such a way that allows our government to print American money backed by gold as a means of currency. By voting to approve the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, our Congress in a slight of hand, on December 23, 1913, committed treason against its sovereigns. Are you shocked?

Eustace Mullins describes the Federal Reserve System as a criminal syndicate. A central bank is a private group of bankers who have total control of the country’s economy. They print as much of their own money as they want. They pump that money into our economy then charge interest on that money, forcing us further and further into debt. Until we are where we are now, so far in debt that we will never see the light of day,

He also states that war is the most profitable enterprise. So guess who finances BOTH sides of every war. Guess who instigates these wars and causes them to drag on sometimes for years. That’s right the Federal Reserve, Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Morgan’s, etc.

When you watch the video you will learn more about J. P. Morgan. He spear headed many multinational corporations including General Electric and US Steel. He had controlling interest in AT&T, Western Union, and 24 railroads across the country. JP Morgan funded and built the Titanic and the Olympic. It is said that the Olympic was sunk, not the Titanic. The speculation that JP Morgan was involved in an insurance scam where Morgan passed off the Olympic, whose hull had been damaged, as the Titanic has been circulating for many years.

Conveniently, three men who opposed the Federal Reserve Act were on that maiden voyage of the Titanic. Jacob Astor, real estate investor and friend of Telsa ,  Benjamin Gugenheim who came from a wealthy mining family, and Eisadore Strausee who was the owner of Macy’s. Another coincidence, there were no red (warning) flags on the ship to signal for help in the event of an accident. These men were invited on the maiden voyage of the Titanic by JP Morgan who cancelled his plans the day before to celebrate the maiden voyage along with Astor, Gugenheim, and Strause.

With these men out of the way and unable to convince Congress that a central bank was a bad idea, the Federal Reserve Act passed on December 23rd during the Christmas break.

This left the central bank with the power to print as much money as they want, lending it to the US government, which by the way was hijacked in 1871 and existed as a corporation at the time, leaving the US taxpayers obliged to pay interest on the notes.

Another stipulation which stockholders include in the “Act,” stated that no Federal Reserve stock could be bought or sold on the stock market. Meaning the stock is owned by the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and remaining 13 families. This conveniently enough leaves these families in complete control of the greatest Republic in the world. Listen to the video closely.

So, here’s another example of how we have been manipulated to believe the lies our government keeps pumping out. This along with , NASA, the CIA, FBI and IRS are all examples of how our Constitution has been hijacked and we’ve been enslaved to do the will of the global elite.

For those who have yet to see the truth, it’s time to wake up.

Stay safe and healthy.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

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911 Conspiracy Continues

I’m sure you’ve heard many conversations about the 911 conspiracy. Yes, I’m on that bandwagon. I’m not going to write a long drawn out post on this topic today. But I found this video and I’d like to share it.

Before you watch the  video, I want to ask one question. Do any of you remember, the day before 911, Donald Rumsfeld making an announcement about 2.3 trillion dollars going missing from the treasury? There is much more to the story. We will save that for another time.

Hopefully you will have a renewed perspective of the event after watching the video. Watch the plane.

In addition to the above video, you can listen to the following C-SPAN interview. Richard Gage represents the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

And then, there is this video.

There are so many conspiracies that have been falsely discredited. Remember, the CIA coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” to make all men and women who speak up seem like they don’t know what they’re talking about. The many false flags and attacks that have happened in this country over the decades have been intentionally set in place to meet the agenda of the deep state.

We all need to listen to the many arguments, and realize that there is a true conspiracy to take down Americans and destroy the country and Constitution. Please take time to listen to all arguments even if you don’t believe the many false flags to be true. You might be surprised to find your viewpoint might change.

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Elders of Zion – Communism

I’ve written two books on what some would call conspiracy theories. I call them conspiracies. All of which can and have been backed up by fact. Most people dismiss them as conspiracy “theories” because if they admit the conspiracies are real, they will have to change the way they look at life.

When you write fiction your mind sometimes goes off on a tangent as the brain absorbs the information found to be research material. I will admit, sometimes I come across information that I can’t fathom as “real” but then I find information that makes me say “huh?”.

The video I post here is information. I am always looking for people to look at what I see so I can see it through a different prospective. I’m not asking you to believe what you see. I only want you to consider the information, research further.

Please read this article and watch the video with an open mind.

I’m not targeting people who claim to be of Jewish faith. The people who practice their faith and claim the Torah to be their bible are the children of Israel.

The Jewish people spoken of here in this post are Zionists who practice their faith through the Jewish Talmud, taken from the Pagan Babylonian Talmud and revised, continuing with the blood sacrifices. Remember the sacrifices offered in the Synagogue by the Phaisees? Remember Jesus denounced this tradition, calling the Synagogue in Jerusalem the “Synagogue of Satan”.

If you go back through history, do your research, you will find these Zionist’s are not of Judah. They are Khazar’s.

Khazar’s expanded their power to include eastern Ukraine, Crimea, southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, and northwestern Uzbekistan.  They were a criminal people who were forced to choose a religion, and change their criminal behavior or be exiled. After four hundred or so years, they hadn’t changed and the Russians and surrounding States forced them out. They moved west and eventually infiltrated the Royals of Europe and set up the central banking system in that area.

Watch the video to learn more about the history of the Talmud and Zionists.

Israel and Judah

Who are the Jewish people? The word “Jew” was not found in the bible until the eighteenth century. The Israelite’s were God’s people but they were never referred to as “Jews” or Jewish” (in the Bible) until the eighteenth century. They were referred to as  “Ieue,” “Iue,” “Ive,” “Iew,” There is much more involved related to this discussion. Here you will find a more complete explanation of the evolution of the word “Jew”. Why was the change made? Could not the references that existed originally, remain?

So much in our history remains in the dark. I’m working to bring what I can to the light. I’m sorting through information, hoping to eventually get to the truth.

Please take all this information for what it is. Don’t be offended. I’m not forcing the information on anyone, just putting it out there for anyone who wants to read it.

The study of history can be fascinating and enlightening. I like to share what I find.

Wishing you all good health.

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John D Rockefeller Destroyed Natural Medicine

John D Rockefeller is a man of many manipulations. He was involved in many business ventures. You know he was involved in the oil industry. Did you know he was also involved in the AMA (American Medical Association)? And the newspaper industry?  The video below gives a good explanation of how he changed the medical field. And not for the better.

His involvement in the medical field spilled over to the government experimental programs that would eventually control all our lives. Many don’t believe in MK Ultra. They think it’s another conspiracy theory. Well, to set your mind at ease, research the Church Committee.

Rockefeller, along with other elite, had intentions of controlling the world. His involvement in the medical association, allows him to manipulate our health. His control and influence of the newspaper industry gave him the tools to control the public through propaganda. The purpose of propaganda is to brainwash you to believe what the publisher/proponent wants you to believe and accept as true. You don’t believe me?…

Propaganda is a polite word for bullying, and lies. We’ve all heard the statement, “A lie told a thousand times is still a lie”. The elite use propaganda to manipulate the people. They lie, knowing that if they repeat a lie enough times, many will believe it is true.

This has been happening for years. In 2013 Obama legalized propaganda to overthrow America. Giving the elite the upper hand, allowing the Rockefeller’s to solidify their agenda, to depopulate the world. 

You will be surprised when you find how many celebrities are actually members of the Rockefeller family.

Read the following documents to find more information about Rockefeller.

The Rockefeller family has worked for a hundred years to destroy this country. The agenda has been around even longer. There is much more out there related to this topic. Do some research and add to the list of corruption associated with that bloodline.

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Vaxed Pregnant Women Unborn Deaths Increase by 2000%

It is never easy to lose an unborn child. As a parent you prepare and look forward to the day you will hold your baby in your arms. When you lose a baby to unknown circumstances it’s difficult enough. But when you lose a baby unnecessarily there is no consolation.

I was reading an article recently that came out of the United Kingdom that clearly stated the recent deaths of unborn babies due to the Covid 19 gene therapy has spiked.

Recent government reports related to adverse reactions to the EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy show increased unborn deaths. The initial data was input in December 2020 through January 2021. The latest report covers from December 2020 to May 2021. That’s fourteen weeks separating, from first report to last report. This report shows a shocking increase in the number of women losing their babies prior to birth and just after birth. The gene therapy considered for these reports include Pfizer and AstraZeneca gene therapy (if you want to call them that).

The information below comes directly from the article published on May 16, 2021 in the Daily Expose. You can look at these screen shots below. You can also read the article here.

There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.

For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women
of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.


We told you about this back in December, as the Governments own advice also included comments on breast-feeding and fertility which were as follows –


It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk. A risk to
the newborns/infants cannot be excluded. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should not be used
during breast-feeding.

It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.’


It is because of this advice released by the UK Government that we were so shocked to see in the first released report of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines, using data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme up to the 24th January 2021 a total of 4 women had suffered a miscarriage as a result of having the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

As well as a total of 2 women losing their unborn child as result of having the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.

We’re still unable to answer why these women were given one of the Covid vaccines against the Governments own advice. But what’s truly shocking is how much this number has increased in the fourteen weeks that have unfolded since.

According to the fifteenth report released by the UK Government on adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines, using data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme up to the 5th May 2021, there has been a 1,700% increase since the 24th January in the number of women who have lost their unborn/newborn child after having the Pfizer vaccine. The total number of miscarriages now stands at 66 alongside 1 report of premature baby death, 3 reports of fetal death and 2 reports of stillbirth. This is devastating.

The AstraZeneca jab has also caused unnecessary pain to expectant mothers. As of the 5th May there has been a 2,500% increase since the 24th January in the number of women who’ve lost their unborn/newborn baby, bringing the total to 52.

Tragically this includes 50 reports of miscarriage and 2 reports of still birth. Questionably only 1 of these cases has been labelled as a fatality.

The question is why are we seeing these numbers when the Governments own advice was that pregnant women should not have the vaccine?

Well the reason is that the Government has since updated it’s original advice. Click on the link to read the update.

There is a lot of information out there about this jab. Please take the time to do your research before letting anyone talk you into taking this EXPERIMENTAL jab.

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Fauci Interview – Makes me go Hmm?

This post will be short.

When you listen to the interview below, consider the statements Fauci makes about HIV/Aids. He caused the Aids epidemic. There was no such virus until he started playing around with science.

Since then he’s worked with the pharmaceutical companies to create illnesses and poisonous medicines to keep the population sick. So, they will continue to purchase drugs for illnesses that didn’t exist 200 years ago.

The Rockefeller’s created the AMA. They created the pharmaceutical companies. They wrote the policies that became the guideline for medicine and health insurance. Research that.

Fauci is behind the biggest scam in recent history. That which keeps the population sick. He experiments on the human population looking for ways to kill us off. the video below is a perfect example of Fauci’s crimes.

Okay, so, that was a little extreme. But the information is true. We need to wake up and realize that no one is going to protect us. Our governments have an agenda. It’s time to protect our loved ones by exposing the truth.

Stay safe.

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Gain of Function – Manipulating Nature

Robert Redfield, the former director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, believes the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in the Wuhan Lab. If he is right, then Fauci’s responsible for a man-made pandemic that has killed over half-a-million Americans. He is responsible for millions of Americans losing their jobs and he’s the cause of the drain of trillions of dollars from America’s economy.

By now we all know the virus emerged in 2019 near Wuhan China, where the Wuhan Institute of Virology is located, and where the wet market is located, where they first say the virus jumped from an animal to humans as the infected animal was butchered, cooked and consumed. An alternate theory postulates the virus escaped from the lab. So, which one is it?

Dr. Fauci and his National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to work on gain of function research on bat coronavirus. A virus that has never naturally been transmitted to humans. They committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included gain of function work with an additional 3.7 million earmarked, to end in 2019 which was sent through EcoHealth Funding. That’s a coincidence. (2)

These scientists built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, “zoonotic CoV spike protein from the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats -in the context of the SARS-CoV mouse adapted backbone”. (Originally published November 9, 2015)(1) The fact that this virus was “built” would indicate that it’s not natural.

Fauci states that Dr. Baric is not involved in Gain-of-Function. And yet we see Baric on video confessing to just that. He state’s “the importance of reverse genetics and gain of function”. Someone isn’t telling the truth.

As you see, at the end of the video, Fauci boldly states “there will be a challenge in the coming administration in the arena of infectious disease” and “there will be a surprise outbreak”. When I watch him make that statement, I feel as though he is threatening or bragging about the power and control, he has over the human population.

I’d like to leave you with one final thought. If Fauci participated either financially or through science or both, in creating this pandemic, then he is responsible for the state of the world today. The lock downs, loss of small businesses, increased suicides due to lock down, along with the deaths associated with the jab. I’m sure we don’t know everything yet.

Remember to do your research. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Stay healthy.


  1. A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence Contributor Ralph S Baric, Zhengli-Li-Shi, and Xing-Yi-Ge
  2. Newsweek Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research Fred Guterl 2/28/20
  3. Washington Times – Is Dr. Fouci the Father of the Pandemic
  4. Definition of Gain of Function – “Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.

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Voter Fraud – Pennsylvania

There are many issues plaguing our nation today. So many in fact, that I don’t feel I have time to write about each issue on a regular bases, and do justice to each cause.

The conspiracy theories of yesterday are today’s realities.

Let’s take voter fraud, for example. Now, don’t turn away because you don’t like Trump and you didn’t vote for him. This goes far beyond President Trump. We are talking about election integrity. You take the time to vote for a specific candidate, believing that the process works.

Well it doesn’t. Look at Pennsylvania for example. A presentation was done by a team of data scientists and programmers with experience working for the US Navy, the CIA, the National Counter-Terrorism Center, and a Big-Four Accounting Firm.

First, they looked at the data for Allegheny County. They found 145,000 absentee votes were deleted from Trump. More than 27,000 were removed from Trump’s election day votes. That totals 172,000 votes.

Second, they looked at Chester County, Trump votes missing include 41,000 from his election day votes and almost 50,000 votes from his absentee votes. That totals over 91,000 votes.

Third, in Leigh County they found that Trump initially received 66,179 votes, that later disappear from his total. A loss of 66,179 votes.

Listen to what these local officials have to say about the above discrepancies.

  • “A Trump presidency would significantly weaken the US, driving us into a lengthy recession. Using the title ‘President before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency…”-SOS Kathy Boockvar
  • “Pennsylvania had a fair and secure election free of intervention, and our commonwealth will not tolerate these senseless attempts to silence the voices of millions of Pennsylvanians. It’s time to accept reality and move on.”-Gov. Tom Wolf
  • “It’s January 2, 2021, and this is a reminder that no amount of frivolous, meritless legal filings, chest-thumping by sycophant congressmen or tweets by the sitting president is going to change the fact that in 18 days Joe Biden will be sworn in as our new President.”-AG Josh Shapiro
  • “I said the other day and I’ll repeat. I don’t know if they need a surgeon to repair their spines or a psychiatrist to examine their heads but something is wrong with these people that are willing to follow Donald Trump as far as he is trying to take them.” -AG Josh Shapiro

The people quoted above, have no interest in performing an audit to find out where these 423,116 votes went. They aren’t interested in finding the errors. That makes me wonder why? What happened to transparency?

We have similar issues in other States. See the links below to listen to evidence that shows negligence or fraud in our voting process.

This issue is not new. We are only now seeing the problem because someone was brave enough to speak out. I know some don’t want President Trump in office because of what the main stream media have portrayed him as. Well, the MSM is part of the problem. They are working with the foreign governments and corporations to destroy our country (no this is not a theory).

Some may not want to hear this. I’m okay. with that. If you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore the truth, go ahead. But know, that when the fraud is exposed along with all the other crimes (including the jab and child trafficking), you, too will be part of the problem.

We all need to research, research, research. Don’t believe what you hear from ANYONE. Verify what you hear and see.

The Great Awakening is on the horizon. Do yourself a favor and start researching all the issues labeled as “conspiracy theories”. You will be surprised to find many of them have been proven true.

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Benghazi – The Real Story -Treason

I didn’t write this information. I was asked to share it so people would know the truth behind the “fake news” as always reported by the MSM.

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile. The helicopter didn’t explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.” 

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles that, if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Forward this again and again and again until everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.

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