Shedding – Continued Concerns

The concern of “Shedding” is not going away. America’s Frontline Doctors is chiming in on the topic.

“As these experimental vaccines create ‘spike proteins,’ vaccinated individuals ‘can shed some of these particles to close contacts’ causing disease in them, including in children.“~FLD

America’s Frontline Doctors are saying the lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins has the capacity to pass through the blood brain barrier to cause neurological damage. This statement alone concerns me. Nothing should be able to pass through the blood brain barrier. It’s there specifically to protect the brain from any form of invasion.

They also claim that what is being shed by the vaccinated is bringing the unvaccinated to be sick. And children are not immune from the illness. Children aren’t being vaccinated because the virus doesn’t pose substantial risk to the young. However by being in close contact with the vaccinated they appear to be taking on the spike protein that is being shed by the vaccinated.

And finally, The shedding is causing irregular vaginal bleeding in women. Not only are they bleeding but many are passing major clots and tissue.

If you read my blog post from April 20, 2021 you will learn more about shedding.

Please read the article here to learn more about the shedding and spike protein from the medical community.

Sometimes I feel like humanity is slipping into the abyss, with no hope of return. There are many things going on in the world today. This topic is only one in a long list that we should all be praying about.

Please stay safe and healthy.

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While on the topic of Graphene

I don’t mean to beat a dead horse but while we’re on the topic of graphene, I figured I’d provide some resources to you; articles to back up some of what I’ve been talking about. While some of the articles aren’t recent, they are still relevant to the discussion.

Europe Has Invested €1 Billion Into Graphene – But For What? These particles must be a nano-tech material called graphene. which is a superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain

Interfacing Graphene – Based Materials With Neural Cells – The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called The Graphene Flagship

Graphene oxide found in COVID injections –

What Is Graphene Oxide? –

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’ –


My goal is to keep everyone who wants to learn, informed. Please stay safe and healthy.

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There Are No Novel Corona Virus – Dr. David Martin

That’s right. The patent was issued on April 19, 2002 Patent number US7279327. Look it up.

I have not contribution to today’s post. Listen to the video below to learn more about what Dr. Robert Martin says about Covid-19 and the Jab.

Stay safe and healthy.

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Mel K Update – Nuremberg, the Great Reset, and Seth Rich

Another Mel K update. In this video she discusses Nuremberg, the Great Reset, and Seth Rich with Nicholas Veniamin.

Many people are not aware of the side effects people are having with the Jab. The main stream media isn’t doing their job. They aren’t reporting the catastrophe that appears is becoming a lethal injection. You can be sure I will be continuing to enlighten those who wish to know, as information comes available.

Remember, continue to question everything. Research, research, research.

Stay safe and healthy.

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More on Graphene

Yesterday I submitted a post about Graphene Oxide in the Jab.

I’m not a scientist or a doctor but I’m concerned for the safety of the human population so when I hear or see anything that will cause harm to us, I like to at the very least offer up the information. What you do with it is up to you.

I recently came across an article that provides a good overview of Graphene.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday they are putting Graphene Oxide in the jab so, you may be interested in this information. All the vaccines are manufactured using the same nano-technology.  I was reading another post recently from someone in Spain who noted that it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.”  These nanoparticles placed in the jab become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under zero degrees environment, they remain un-magnetic. This could be why they freeze the jab.

This article goes into great detail about Graphine as a 2D material. It also speaks to the megnetic nature of graphene. They discuss the method to prepare graphene for use in the jab.

The article discusses the result of the process above. Including the effect of temperature on the magnetic properties  of graphene. It talks about ferromagnetic graphene powders and magnetic domains.

It may be a coincidence but graphite is purchased from Merck Company an American multinational pharmaceutical company. Why would a pharmaceutical company be producing such a product?

Food for thought.

Click here to read the article.

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Graphene Oxide, 5G, and the Jab

The video I’m sharing is not of great quality but I feel compelled to share it because it communicates important information about Graphene Oxide which is present in the jab, that is all injections including Moderna, Astrazeneca, J&J, and Pfizer.

There is a connection between the jab, Graphene Oxide, and 5G. Yes 5G is a weapon. Our cell phones could be used to control us. I know this all seems like a Sci-Fi movie but we are now living in an era where we will see more and more things presented and introduced that will confirm our sci-fi society.

Graphene Oxide is present in more than the jab

  • The masks people have been purchasing contain Graphene Oxide
  • The PCR/Swab used to test for Covid-19 contain Graphene Oxide
  • All Vaccines Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sino-vac, and J&J (Jansssen) contain Graphene Oxide
  • The flu shot (2019) also contains Graphene Oxide (Researching this further)

Graphene Oxide is a toxin that is used as a weapon to depopulate the world.

  • Graphene oxide is what is causing the blood clotting we are seeing as side effects to the jab
  • It also causes auto immune disorders. With each additional dose, the immune system will collapse causing cytokine storm
  • Graphene Oxide causes a metallic taste
  • It also causes inflammation of the mucous membrane loss of taste and smell (partial or complete)
  • Powerful magnetic properties within the body could explain the magnetic phenomena within the body of those receiving the jab

COVID-19 is the result of introducing Graphene Oxide through different roots of administration.

  • Graphene Oxide has an electronic and social band. A second frequency from which the material is excited and oxidized quickly, breaking the balance with the proliferation in our body of the toxic vs our natural antioxidant reserve of glutagen. This frequency band is broadcast in the band-with of the new 5G wireless technology. This is why the installation of these antenna was never stopped during the pandemic.
  • It is suspect that during the 2019 anti-flu campaign that Graphene Oxide was introduced into these vials. Or was already used as an adjuvant.
  • It all started in Wuhan, and Covid-19 that was first seen in the world where the 5G pilot test was held around November 2019.

The purpose for introducing Graphene Oxide into the body gets darker. It is important you understand this information.

  • It is important to understand that the cause of COVID-19 is the result of a chemical toxicant not a biological adjuvant.
  • The interaction between Graphene in inoculated humans and 5G could result in a fatal event when 5G will be fully enabled in July 2021, so we would be in a short period of time to stop this madness and abort vaccination programs for once and all.*

As you understand this you will know how to protect yourself by increasing glutagen levels. It’s an antioxidant we have in reserve in our body.

  • Glutagen levels are high in children. This is why they are less likely to contract Covid-19; mild impact
  • Glutagen drops increasingly after the age 65. This is why the elderly are at a higher risk of dying from Covid-19
  • High levels of glutagen are found in those who practice sports intensively.
  • Graphene could be flushed naturally out of the body, because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that apparently disintegrates graphene molecules. Surprisingly alcohol consumption or even tobacco can help to increase this enzyme. That’s why they want the population to be vaccinated each 6-12 months and sober.*
  • Click here to see an article that shares how to make NAC naturally, To rid your body of any graphene.  It wasn’t written for the sole purpose of the jab but the information in the article is relevant to the situation.

Discovery of Graphene Oxide shows an intentional act of bio-terrorism against the entire global population. And should be considered as crimes against humanity. This could affect those closest to us.

  • Our medical community; Doctors and nurses.
  • Health services
  • Local regional print media
  • Along with those who coheres, manipulate, and threaten people into taking the jab.

Our humanity is at stake when it comes to this jab. We all need to be responsible as we navigate this EXPERIMENTAL jab. The globalist’s intent is to depopulate the world. It’s all you have to do is read the Georgia Guidestones to see that. There are many other places where you can find information that points to their intent to depopulate the world.

We need to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. Many of our elderly received the flu vaccine in 2019. When you add to that the Covid-19 jab, the levels of Graphene Oxide increase making the elderly at great risk of dying from the coming flu season or new variant of Covid-19 that is introduced into our communities.

This article is not meant to be a political statement. It’s an attempt to get the masses to take the time to research what they are putting in their bodies. We only have one life. We should do what we can to remain healthy. We should do what we can to save future generations.

Please see the video here:

I did my best to interpret (above) so you might get the most out of the video. Please educate yourself and stay healthy.

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New Mexico – Nuremberg Violation

I’m amazed to find that these things are happening in the United States.

Whatever happened to morals?

Do you think we should be injecting people in prison with the EXPERIMENTAL jab? I believe this situation would constitute crimes against humanity.

Shaun Ebright, a corrections officer from the New Mexico Corrections Department, called out Governor Lujan-Grisham in an open and honest call-to-action interview on ‘The Stew Peters Show’.

Our government officials have lost their minds. It’s amazing to think that the people who are supposed to represent the sovereigns of our country will allow things like this to happen. I thought they were elected to be our voice. They are civil servants, elected to speak on our behalf. I hope that the people of this country aren’t in agreement with the craziness that is happening right now.

We live as a Republic, guided by the Constitution. Not only should we be guided by the model that allows us the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we should be guided by our moral compass, natural law. We don’t inject poison into any person’s body without their consent.

If you feel the jab is safe for you, then you have the right to take it. I don’t judge anyone or their choices. So, I think there should be some reciprocation here. Don’t force the poison on those who know better.

I’ll say it again, research everything, trust no one.

Stay safe and healthy.

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The History of Human Trafficking and Mind Control

We are living in a time where nothing is what we used to call “normal”. At least normal as we saw things on the surface.

I post these videos because I want you to see a history of what the human trafficking industry is, how it has evolved, and why it’s such big business. The videos were originally recorded in 2009 so they’ve been around a while. The information is still relevant today.

I’ve mentioned in prior posts, that child trafficking is a huge problem. Millions of children go missing each year. The volume of children abducted each year is related to the life expectancy of those children and the need to replace the children to produce the product needed or desired. They are being tortured, hunted and murdered at an alarming rate. The end result is they are being sacrificed to a satanic group who runs the world.

On another note the video will help you understand the history of the City of London, the financial market, war, and the Rothschild family who financed all wars, both sides to be sure their financial status would grow.

Some people will watch these videos and say, “she’s off her rocker”. If I watched these videos 20 years ago, I might think the whole mess is crazy fiction. We live in a different world now. Truth is crazier than fiction. take a seat, you won’t believe what you hear.

David interviews Arizona Wilder (Jennifer Greene) who explains how she was programmed (think MKULTRA) by Joseph Mengele, the Nazi death camps “Angel of Death”. She describes the rituals conducted for the British Royal Family, where they sacrificed children in satanic rituals. Listen as she describes similar sacrifices with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton, members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and many others.

What you watched in these two videos is beyond anything most people could imagine. But today as we work our way through the world and witness the crazy things happening what you watch becomes more real.

From the BLM/Antifa riots that burn and destroy life around the world, to the earthquakes and floods that could be a result of destroying the underground bases that stored the children to be sacrificed and experimented on. We are definitely seeing many out of the ordinary situations. Earth shaking situations that on the surface have no explanation.

The reality is, the global elite are manipulating the people of the world. They claim to be descendants of Cain, therefore Satan (human/reptile bloodlines). That’s another post, for another time. Let’s just say the war we are fighting right now is one of good vs evil.

I’m not asking you to believe what I write in this post. I’m hoping you will research all of these claims for yourself. Use a search engine other than google. They are sensoring information which keeps people in the dark.

The best thing you can do is stay informed so that you will be less shocked about what could be revealed in the future. Think me a conspiracy theorist if you will. But look for that which can be verified and know the truth.

Stay safe and healthy.

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Zombie Preparedness or Trans Human Robots?

Is there another choice?

Okay. When I tell you the CDC website has a page dedicated to zombie preparedness don’t tell me I’m a conspiracy theorist.

The CDC can tell you it’s a “tongue-and-cheek campaign but It’s probably just another mind control game. You know, make everyone think it’s a joke, then turn around and jab everyone with a vial of 72 plus poisons and bingo, instant zombie.

US20160375220A1 patent I’ve written a little about graphene oxide, one of the ingredients in the jab. Check out this PDF related to graphene oxide and the jab. Doctor’s and scientist are starting to speak out about what’s in the injection, and are informing people about reactions to the ingredients in the jab, such as graphene oxide. Which I will remind you may be the cause of the magnetic reaction some people are having after getting the jab.

This ingredient along with the nano-particles and other poisons, has the ability to turn people into “robots”. I don’t mean to scare you but sometimes it takes a good scare to wake up the masses. What is the alternative? Can you say zombie?

It’s true. If you look at this abstract Patent Application Publication you will learn about electromagnetic energy and the brain. The publication discusses a method to maintain peace through electromagnetic energy targeted to the brain. Talk about brain washing…

Then there is Abstract DE10253433A1 (though status is withdrawn), that discusses thought transmission  and relates to long range telepathy and long range mind reading. An electronic device (like the human body?) is required to convert electromagnet radiation to signals. Here is the PDF.                                   You can find the google link here.

And finally, at least for the purpose of this post, you can read this United States patent, US 6,506,148 B2 (patent date 1/14/2003). Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors (could the monitors be 5G towers?) This is a method for manipulating the nervous system when they are located near a monitor that emits an electromagnetic field.

I’d say that’s enough information to get you thinking. Maybe even set you on a wild goose chase to research some of this information.

Research, research, research. The more informed you are the better prepared you’ll be for what happens in the future.

Stay safe and be healthy.

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Scientific Evidence That Covid Is Crime Against Humanity

My head is spinning right now. I intended to write a post that speaks specifically to the Dr. Fuellmich’s evidence that Covid is crime against humanity. After reviewing the information, I don’t know where to begin.

We already know what’s in the jab. There are at least 72 toxic ingredients in the injection some of which can be listed in my May 15th post. If we as parents spoon fed our children any one of these substances, we’d be locked up for child abuse.

We also know that Dr. Fauci is involved in creating Covid-19 which started in North Carolina and ended up in Wuhan China where he helped to fund research that would create the bio-weapon that they are trying to pass off as a vaccine.

We also know that Fauci and his National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology funded  in gain-of-function research. You can read about that here.

And, we know that the CDC has been wrong multiple time, but specifically when admitting that at least 96 percent of deaths reported as COVID-19 related, were WRONG.

All of that is nothing compared to the evidence Dr. Reiner Fuellimich has to support the reality that Covid IS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.  Please watch the video below.

Now take some time to look through the website “Stop World Control“. The amount of information and resources available on this site is astounding. We all owe it to ourselves, our families and friends, and future generations, to become informed about what goes on around us. Don’t depend on the mainstream media to inform you. Their only goal is to spoon feed you a line of crap. They are owned by the global elite whose agenda is to depopulate the world. What better way to do that then to inject everyone with this poison.

Remember, research, research, research. It may take time to catch up but once you do it will be easy to research everything you are told in the future. Don’t assume everything is a conspiracy theory. The CIA is part of the problem. They coined that phrase to manipulate the general public to believe we don’t know what we’re talking about.

We are fighting a war to save humanity. If we lose this fight, we lose our humanity. That’s a HUGE deal.

Stay safe and healthy.

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